Ph.D. Student (January 2020 – Present)
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2020 – Present
M.S., Civil Engineering, Boise State University, 2018
B.S., Civil Engineering, Tribhuvan University, 2013
Amit Gajurel received his bachelor’s degree from the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2014 and master’s degree from Boise State University in 2018. After his M.S., he worked at Terracon Consultants, a civil engineering firm in Phoenix. Amit joined as a Ph.D. student in the Geotechnical Engineering area of the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department of Texas A&M University in the Spring of 2020. His research interests are infrastructure monitoring, data mining & analysis, remote sensing, and computer vision. He has published several conference proceedings. He is an EIT in the state of Idaho and a member of Chi Epsilon. His professional interests include infrastructure monitoring, remote sensing, geotechnical engineering, computer vision, and data mining & analysis.
Previous Experience
Staff Engineer, Terracon Consultants
Research Assistant, Boise State University.
- Estimating Optimal Additive Content for Soil Stabilization Using Machine Learning Methods
- Evaluating the Ability of Swell Prediction Models to Predict the Swell Behavior of Excessively High Plastic Soils
- Unified Approach to Sustainability, Resiliency and Risk Assessments
Email: amitgajurel@tamu.edu