Dr. Anand Puppala, Professor | A.P. and Florence Wiley Chair, Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University and Director of Center for Infrastructure Renewal (#CIR@tamu) at Texas A&M University, is giving a keynote presentation titled “Stabilization Studies for Problematic Soils: Innovative Materials and New Perspective” organized by ASCE GEO-INSTITUTE National Capital Chapter on Thursday, February 23rd at 12:00 PM (EST) in Maggiano’s Little Italy, McLean, VA.
1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH). More details: https://apuppala.engr.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/190/2023/01/February-2023-ASCE-GI-Announcement-Anand-Puppala-1.pdf