PhD student (2023-Present)
PhD, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M (2023-Present)
M.S., Engineering with a Civil Engineering Emphasis, Texas State University (2021-2023)
B.S., Civil Engineering, Kansas State University (2018-2021)
Missouri Southern State University (2016-2018)
Kyle is a doctoral student at the Zachary Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University. Kyle achieved his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at Kansas State University, participating in the varsity track and field team as a student-athlete. Kyle received a Master of Science in Engineering with a Civil Engineering Emphasis at Texas State University, and he worked under Dr. Stacey Kulesza on a project funded by the Federal Railway Administration. Kyle applied geophysical methods to characterize the electromagnetic properties of ballast fouling materials in the holistic efforts to understand the mechanical, hydraulic, and electromagnetic characteristics of railway ballast degradation via ballast fouling materials. Kyle’s research interests include geomaterial characterization, applied geophysics in geotechnical engineering, and soil stabilization.
Previous Experience
Sheeting/Shoring Intern, Berkel and Company Contractors (Summer 2021)
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers Student Member
Kulesza, S., Barry, M. L., Sarker, D., Feng, R., Radnor, W., & Parr, K. (2023). Unsaturated Characteristics of Fouled Ballast to Support In Situ Identification of Fouling Using Ground Penetrating Radar–Phase II (No. DOT/FRA/ORD-23/18). United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development.
Parr, K., & Kulesza, S. (2024a, February 25-28, 2024). Experimental Design for Complex Resistivity Measurements of Unsaturated Soils: Application for Fouled Ballast. Geo-Congress 2024: Bridging Government, Industry, and Academia for Resilient Mega-Communities, Vancouver, British Columbia. In press.
Parr, K., & Kulesza, S. (2024b). A Modified Spectral Induced Polarization Technique for Laboratory Soil Analysis. Geotechnical Testing Journal. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Presented a poster titled “A Novel Experimental Setup for Complex Resistivity testing on Ballast Fouling Materials” at the Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Conference in Washington D.C. in January 2023.
Email: kparr@tamu.edu