Associate Transportation Researcher (2022 – Present)
Ph.D. Student (September 2017 – December 2021)
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, September 2022
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 2016
B.S., Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2011
Dr. Md Ashrafuzzaman Khan currently serves as Associate Transportation Researcher at Texas A&M
Transportation Institute (TTI). He received his MS in Civil Engineering in 2016 from the University of Texas at
Arlington and PhD in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2021.
He served as a design engineer for a reputed consulting firm (JPZ Consulting Bangladesh Ltd.) in Bangladesh from
2011 to 2014. During this timeline he participated in different building and bridge infrastructure projects under
several government agencies including Roads and Highway Department (RHD) of Bangladesh, Rajshahi City
Corporation (RCC), Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA).
Building projects included the estimation of load, foundation design, structural design, and estimation of the bill of
quantity. Bridge rehabilitation projects included site assessment, social-economic impact analysis, and estimation of
pile capacity of the bridge piers with and without considering the scouring. He was also responsible for performing
geotechnical assessment, which included estimating foundation settlement and bearing capacity. He designed a
shallow foundation system with square and rectangular shape footing. He performed detailed structural analyses for
two steel arch bridges. One of the bridges is a 100-feet single-span cable-supported bridge with a steel deck girder.
The second bridge is a more than 100 feet long single-span cable-supported system with a truss-deck system. He
performed structural analyses and designed the joint system between the bridge deck and supporting cables. He also
designed the foundation system with pile-supported abutments for both bridges. He also coordinated the detailed
topographical survey for the Dhaka City Drainage Masterplan project, funded by World Bank.
He worked as graduate research assistant from 2014 to 2022 and involved in several geotechnical projects including
slope stability, soft soil foundation and application of geocell for pavement infrastructures. Dr. Khan participated in
national GeoPrediction competitions from 2016 and won 2nd place awards for the years 2017, 2018, and 2019. He is
the winner of the prestigious Mohr’s Circle Trophy award in 2021 for the accurate prediction of settlement of highly
compressible soil. Dr. Khan has been conducting research on stabilization of expansive soils, geosynthetic materials,
sustainable utilization of recycled materials, slope stability of expansive soil, and pavement material characterization
Previous Experience
Graduate Assistant Research, Texas A&M University, Aug. 2019 – Dec. 2021
RESEARCH RESPONSIBILITIES: Preparing technical reports; Construction, instrumentation, and monitoring of geocell reinforced flexible pavement in Venus, Texas; Laboratory testing of soils including Resilient Modulus, Tri-axial, and Direct Shear tests
Graduate Research Assistant, The University of Texas at Arlington, Sep. 2014 – Aug. 2019
RESEARCH RESPONSIBILITIES: Preparing technical reports; topographical surveys with total station and LIDAR; Instrumentation and monitoring of rehabilitated soil slopes, subsurface soil investigation with non-destructive field testing
Design Engineer, JPZ Consulting Ltd., Bangladesh, Mar. 2011 – Jul. 2014
RESPONSIBILITIES: Site investigation, surveying, preparation of geotechnical reports; Modeling, and design for steel bridges; Design and construction of the commercial building and reinforced concrete bridges; Preparation of environmental assessment plan for the bridge rehabilitation project; Design of retaining wall system and evaluation of different drainage structures
Professional Affiliations
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), 2022
GI-GSO, Texas A&M University, 2019
GI-GSO, University of Texas at Arlington, 2015
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015
Engineering Institute of Bangladesh, 2011
- Khan MA, Nripojoyti B, Banerjee A, Puppala AJ. Performance of Geocell-Reinforced Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Bases in Flexible Pavements Built on Expansive Soils. Geo-Congress 2020: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Special Topics, Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020 Feb 21:(488-497).
- Khan MA, Biswas N, Banerjee A, Puppala AJ. Field Performance of Geocell Reinforced Recycled Asphalt Pavement Base Layer. Transportation Research Record, 2020. doi: 0.1177/0361198120908861
- Zhang R, Ren T, Khan MA, Teng Y, Zheng J. Back-Calculation of Soil Modulus from PFWD Based on a Viscoelastic Model. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019.
- Khan MA, Hossain MS, Khan MS, Samir S, Aramoon A. Impact of wet-dry cycles on the shear strength of high plastic clay based on direct shear testing. Geotechnical Frontiers, 2017(615-622).
- Khan MS, Hossain MS, Khan MA, Faysal M. Performance of Recycled Plastic Pin (RPP) for Slope Stabilization. InInternational Congress and Exhibition” Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology”, Springer, Cham, 2017(7):136-148.
- Khan MA. Impact of Wet-dry Cycle on Mechanical Properties of Expansive Clay Under Low Overburden Stress. MS Thesis, 2016, the University of Texas at Arlington
- Asad MA, Ahmeduzzaman M, Kar S, Khan MA, Rahman MN, Islam S. Flood frequency Modeling using Gumbel’s and Powell’s method for Dudhkumar river. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science. 2013;2(2):25-28.
- Khan MA, Ahmed FS. Effect of web reinforcement on ultimate strength of reinforced concrete deep beam. Int. J. Eng. Res. Appl. 2013; 3(3):516-519.
- Ahmed FS, Khan MA. Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column Under Lateral Load. Int. J. Eng. Res. Appl. 2013; 3(4):228-231.
Awards & Honors
Mohr Circle Award, 12th National GeoPrediction Competition, ASCE, 2021
2nd Place, 10th National GeoPrediction Competition, ASCE, 2019
2nd Place, 9th National GeoPrediction Competition, ASCE, 2018
2nd Place, 8th National GeoPrediction Competition, ASCE, 2017
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of Texas at Arlington, 2016
Email: mak2019@tamu.edu