Postdoctoral Researcher, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, Bryan, TX, August 2023–Present
Ph.D., Geotechnical Engineering, Arizona State University, December 2022
M.S., Geotechnical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, May 2014
B.Tech., Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, May 2013
Vinay Krishnan joined the Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR) as a postdoctoral researcher in August 2023. He earned his Ph.D. in geotechnical engineering from Arizona State University (ASU) in December 2022. For his doctoral research, he studied enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation as a method to cement sands. After completing his Ph.D., he briefly worked as a postdoctoral researcher at ASU before joining the CIR.
Previous Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, January 2023–July 2023
Staff Engineer, Geosyntec Consultants, Austin, TX, July 2014–October 2016
Professional Affiliations
Engineer-in-Training, Texas Board of Professional Engineers, EIT No. 51293.
Journal Publications
Krishnan, V., H. Khodadadi Tirkolaei, and E. Kavazanjian, Jr. 2023. “An improved method for determining urease activity from electrical conductivity measurements.” ACS Omega 8(15): 13791-13798. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c08152.
Krishnan, V., H. Khodadadi Tirkolaei, M. Kazembeyki, L. A. van Paassen, C. G. Hoover, J. Seto, and E. Kavazanjian, Jr. 2022. “Nanomechanical characterization of enzyme induced carbonate precipitates.” Crystals 12(7): 995. DOI: 10.3390/cryst12070995.
Krishnan, V., H. Khodadadi Tirkolaei, K. Martin, N. Hamdan, L. A. van Paassen, and E. Kavazanjian, Jr. 2021. “Variability in the unconfined compressive strength of EICP-treated ‘standard’ sand.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 147(4): 06021001. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.
Khodadadi Tirkolaei, H., N. Javadi, V. Krishnan, N. Hamdan, and E. Kavazanjian, Jr. 2020. “Crude urease extract for biocementation.” J. Mater. Civil Eng. 32(12): 04020374. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.
Conference Publication
Krishnan, V., H. Khodadadi Tirkolaei, and E. Kavazanjian, Jr. 2021. “Application of EICP for coastal erosion mitigation.” In IFCEE 2021: From Traditional to Emerging Geotechnics, Geotechnical Special Publication 325, edited by C. El Mohtar, S. Kulesza, T. Baser, and M. D. Venezia, 160-169. Reston, VA: ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/9780784483428.017.
[Conference Paper] “Application of EICP for coastal erosion mitigation.” In IFCEE 2021. Online: ASCE, May 2021.
[Poster] “Coagulation of casein micelles facilitates strength development in EICP.” In 27th AACGE Western Section Conference on Crystal Growth & Epitaxy. Fallen Leaf Lake, CA: American Association for Crystal Growth, June 2022.
[Poster] “Indentation properties of enzyme induced carbonate precipitates.” In Goldschmidt2021. Online: European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society, July 2021.
[Poster] “EICP improved sand with high strength at low carbonate content.” In IFCEE 2018. Orlando, FL: ASCE, March 2018.
Awards & Honors
Geo-Institute Student Travel Grant to attend IFCEE 2018
E-mail: vkrishnan@tamu.edu
ORCID: 0000-0002-5481-4208