Significance of Proposed Work
Rising seawater levels and increased frequency of high intensity storms due to climate change is a serious concern for the coastal areas. These factors make coastal areas vulnerable to flooding, coastal erosion, and water pollution causing damage to infrastructure assets and human lives. Traditionally sandbags are used as barriers to control the destructive behavior of flooding and stormwater. These sandbag barriers are typically designed to take the impact, from the hydraulic forces of the storm and the debris flowing in the storm, and protecting physical assets and communities. Preliminary findings from the interactions with the industry indicated that sandbags have some limitations in terms of handling and transportation. Moreover, sandbags deteriorate when they are exposed for prolonged alternate wetting and drying cycles. The limitations of this existing practice offered the need for exploring the application of the matrix of fiber-based concrete mix bags, patented by Warstone Innovations LLC, for various coastal purposes. So, this project currently focuses on evaluating the performance of various fiber-based concrete mix bags as flood barrier materials.
- To develop optimized fiber-based concrete mixes to address the flooding and erosion-related coastal infrastructure problems caused due to climate change
Research Plan
The preliminary testing includes evaluating the physical and chemical properties of concrete constituents. Based on material properties, fiber-based concrete mix proportions are prepared, and the fiber dosage is optimized considering the physical and durability tests. Wetting and drying studies will be conducted under two different temperatures (40°C and 4°) and also separately by using artificially prepared seawater. Expansion tests will be performed to evaluate the expansion behavior of the mixes. For the second phase of testing, a large-scale laboratory box size 3’ x 3’ x 4’ is constructed to evaluate the performance of the fiber-based concrete mix bags in similar conditions mentioned above.
Tasks Accomplished
Material properties of concrete constituents were evaluated, and fiber-based concrete mix proportions were identified. Wetting and drying tests using potable water at 20°C and 50 relative humidity (RH)were completed. Wetting and drying studies at 40°C and 4°C and using saltwater water are completed. Currently, performing permeability tests on fiber based concrete mixes.
Work Planned
- Permeability studies will be performed on fiber based concrete mixes
- Large scale laboratory box setup to study the performance of fiber-based concrete mix bags against hydraulic forces in various conditions.
Impact on the State of Practice
- The research findings of this project will provide an idea about the feasibility of using fiber-based concrete mix bags to reduce the damage caused due to flooding and erosion
- This will help in enhancing the resilience of communities, especially located in coastal corridors.